Art 120-wood/plains items
Woodlands and Plains art utilize familiar materials and distinctive design elements.
Appreciation of the regional and tribal design elements can be gained with increased study and analysis. These particular examples will illustrate distinctive chronological and tribal categories. Compare and contrast these examples with illustrations from appropriate chapters in Americas Fascinating Indian Heritage (AIFT). Additionally, review and utilize the material from your class handout. Preview, review, and analysis will add to your confidence and appreciation of American Indian Art.
1.Southeast woodlands, Seminole; sewn cloth
applique strip, geometric design (AIFT p.106)
2 Central Plains, Lakota, two piece, hard sole,
buckskin moccasins. Lane beadwork. All over
design, bold geometric elements. (AIFT p.179)
3 Central plains Oglala moccasins; 'Sioux' green background,
lane stitch beadwork, bold geometric design, buckskin uppers,
rawhide soles. Celia FireThunder, Lakota; Kyle, South Dakota.
4 & 5 Great lakes, Woodlands, Eastern Plains; covered
birch bark box, quillwork, floral design motif on lid,
aromatic sweetgrass edging on top and bottom. (AFIT p. 151)
6. Contemporary beaded barrette; loom beadwork plains
design on plastic comb. This example is indicative of the
continuity of culture and the survival adaptability of tribal
expression. Pow wow item.
7.Southern Plains, Kiowa; Gourd stitch, multi-section staff.
Facetted glass beads, geometric designs, horsehair and
hacklefeather top-section decoration.
8 Southern Plains gourd dance items; Eagle feather fan,
gourd stitched handle, hackle trim. Mescal bead bandoleer.
Velvet sash with gourd stitch and channette fringe end decoration.
Aluminum shaker rattle, wood handle, glass seed bead gourd stitch.
Red/blue wool broadcloth blanket, ribbon edging.
9 Southern plains male regalia Gourd /web stitch beaded
end decoration; velvet sash and channette fringe .
Joe Chastnah, Commanche, Oklahoma.
10 Gourd Dance club vest (back). Male Southern
Plains regalia. Often worn in place of Red/Blue blanket.
Golden State Gourd Society member.
11 Gourd dance vest - front; with Associated
military/Veterans participation.
12. Fingerwoven sash; wool yarn, chevron design.
This example will illustrate a pre-contact art form that
continues to evolve with different materials. (AIFT p.146-128)
13. Woodlands/Plains loom beadwork strip. Various widths,
length will indicate use in the culture. Design elements will
provide the best indication for identification. This is a very
wide spread technique in the western hemisphere (AIFT p.147)
14 & 15 Southern Plains Kiowa-Commanche, Melvin Ahhitty,
beaded rosette. This necklace of mescal bead and bone hairpipe
continues the decorative adaptations associated with the Southern
Plains gourd dance tradition. Pow wow contemporary.
16. Southern Plains Kiowa-Apache. Pat Sloan, beaded
buckskin bag. This example exhibits the pierced buckskin
design backed with contrasting cloth associated with many
of the Dinah bands. (AIFT p.244)
17.Woodlands; dark background soft sole,
pucker toe, overlay floral motif beadwork, Brain tanned,
smoked buckskin, moccasins.(AIFT p. 138)