Start Jams!
By Roy Cook
Jump Start school supplies and backpack night is a great success. Each
year this is a great challenge to make happen. Each year the American
Indian community looks forward to the distribution of the 100 backpacks
and needed school supplies. Everyone looked forward to the sociability
of the evening with anticipation.
a great turn out is this September 3, 2008 event. Funded in large part
by the Southern California American Indian Resource Center, Inc. (SCAIR)
and the San Diego Indian Center the event was put over the top by a substantial
contribution from the TONKAWA elders club and a personal donation by Robin
Wilson and friend from UCSD. We thank all of them for this financial support
to our Indian youth and students. We also thank the AIH clinic for the
bike helmets and those members of the American Indian community and the
AIWA veterans' members who came early and helped to set up the room for
the evening. Aho.

The pot luck meal was very tasty and welcome: meat and cheesy enchiladas,
rice, beans, potatoes and macaroni salad, fried chicken, tossed salad,
punch, coffee, cookies, donuts, and a wonderful birthday chocolate cake.
We thank the added potluck contributions of the AIWA veterans group that
attended and they held their monthly meeting in conjunction with the back
to school night.

Appropriate to the
specific interests of the students of the Soaring Eagle classes is an
announcement by Sheila Dasher, 619-947-2225, of the San Diego Native Youth
Conference on Sunday, September 28, 08 at the Handelry Hotel. Most of
the student committee is also Soaring Eagles Dance class participants
and they are taking wing. Soon they will be soaring high and far. We all
take pride in their accomplishments. After all they are our future and
they will carry on our Indian culture. Our culture, custom and tradition
are what define us as Indian people.

parents voted to keep the Wednesday night for the Soaring Eagles Dance
Class. The program has been refunded from September 10, to November 19,
2008 by the Southern California American Indian Resource Center, Inc.
(SCAIR) and the San Diego Indian Center.
Until then ride those
bikes safely and we will look for you all on Wednesday night 6 to 8:30
pm from September 10, to November 19, 2008 at the Soaring Eagles Dance
Class, Normal Heights Community Center, 4649 Hawley Blvd. San Diego, CA.