Ice Cream Social:
Title VII Indian Education
By Roy Cook
The Native American
Leadership Program of the San Diego Indian Center and SCAIR cosponsor
with the Title VII Indian Education Program held the Annual End of the
Year Ice Cream Party on Wednesday, June 4, 2008, San Diego Unified School
District, SDUSD, Indian Education Culture Arts Program, Oak Park School,
2606 54th St.
This end-of-the school year event is an opportunity for enrichment and
to develop self-esteem from positive validation of student accomplishment.
During the year the students are encouraged to develop habits of observation,
questioning, and listening. Now is the time for fun, laughter games and
yummy delights. Board games and card games were distributed to all the
students and their families at the beginning of the evening. Games are
a fun way to remember that learning is a lifetime experience. The general
concept of a weekly /Family Night/ was introduced at this special event.
/Family Night/ is to spend an evening once a week where the family is
together having a meaningful experience together.
The basic principles
of Family Night involve everyone together. Additional activities such
as walking or hiking, playing board games, working together in the yard,
being involved in community service projects, visiting relatives together.
When a family decides on Family Night, each member commits to making it
work. That means we have to say "no" to conflicts. Teenage kids
need to have the night off from work and school activities. Moms and dads
need to say no to work projects, phone conversations, and athletic events.
Athletic teams understand that practices would have to not conflict and
if it means that someone doesn't make the team, and then the choice is
made for family. This is one of the hardest parts of a family night program,
but it is essential. All the board games were distributed to all the families
to take home to start their Family Night this summer.
by SDUSD Indian Education Community Liaison Vickie Gambala. With the cooperation
and support of the Native American Leadership program of the San Diego
Indian Center and SCAIR, Southern California American Indian Resource
center have enabled the Indian Education program to deliver the culture
program and selected special events like this ice cream social.

Blackfox, Dedrie Iron Cloud and Carla Trouville are recognized as this
years Culture Arts Program outstanding parents. Chuck Cadotte presented
awards to these parents in recognition of exemplary role models and their
efforts promoting education and learning and sharing their knowledge of
their Indian culture and heritage with others participants of the Culture
Arts. A special award was also given to Bella Flores for her outstanding
participation and her passion in learning from her beadwork to her story
telling projects.
All these efforts are to acknowledge our Tribal cultural traditions and
assist the educational opportunities for our Indian students. Enjoy these
images of our Indian students, parents and communitys members like
our good friends: Randy & Bonnie Edmonds, Ben Nance, Laura Workman,
Paul Razo and Henry Mendibles at this festive ice cream social event.
Vickie Gambala gave a brief report on the summer program that will be
provided for the all the students in the program. A reading and math program
will be available for the students in grades K-5th grade at the SCAIR
Learning Center in San Diego, and a powwow dance program will be provided
to all the students who want to learn how to dance. Material and instructions
will also be provided to the students for their parents to make. More
information will follow very shortly by mail or E-mail. Please call the
SCAIR office 619-445-9236 or the Indian Education program 858-627-7362
or the Indian Human Resource Center 619-281-5964 with your E-mail address
for more information.