Arts Program: Title VII Indian Education
By Roy Cook
March 12, 2008 Wednesday evening San Diego Unified School District Indian
Education Culture Arts Program, Oak Park School, 2606 54th St. continues
to provide opportunities for enrichment and to develop self esteem from
positive results in student accomplishment. The students are encouraged
to develop habits of observation, questioning, and listening. While attending
the classes the students will learn to make choices, for example; choosing
the colors of the beads and designing the patterns for their beadwork.
Learning is a lifetime experience.
by SDUSD Indian Education Community Liaison Vickie Gambala, the cooperation
and support of the Native American Leadership program of the San Diego
Indian Center and SCAIR, Southern California American Indian Resource
center has enabled the Indian Education program to deliver the culture
program and selected special events.
with the SDUSD Title 7 staff tutor, Jennie Alvarado, the principal culture
instructor is Edward Chuck Cadotte, Dakota. At first stringing
the looms for beading was very difficult for the younger students. We
gave them larger beads and beading string to make bracelets. Chuck continues
to encourage the student projects. Traditional designs are charted on
modern graph paper for the student to follow.
Indian Education
Community Liaison Vickie Gambala has been able to search out other means
to bring events and the culture component to the Indian students attending
public schools. Also, this year Vickie has also been able to secure a
cooperative partnership by the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD)
Title VII Indian Education Program and the American Indian Recruitment
(AIR). This program offers an outreach to the San Diego Unified School
District (SDUSD) Title VII Indian Education Program Indian students.
these efforts are to acknowledge our Tribal cultural traditions and assist
the educational opportunities for our Indian students. Enjoy these images
of our Indian students involved in Tribal craft activities and being tutored
in academic subjects by Jennie Alvarado the same evening.
A schedule of the
upcoming Indian Education Title 7 culture nights and special activities
is available on the Internet or you may wish to call Vickie at the SDUSD
Indian Education office number: 858-627-7362.