Turnout for Soaring Eagles Dance Class
By Roy Cook The Indian Education Soaring Eagles Dance Class sponsored by Southern California American Indian Resource Center, Inc. (SCAIR) in collaboration with the San Diego Unified School District Title VII and the Indian Human Resource Center is off on the right foot. The American Indian parents, children, instructors, visitors, Inter-Tribal Singers and food were all on the 6 pm clock-time or early this past Wednesday, July 16, 2008. The Indian Education
parent committee directs the planning for this summer activity. They requested
the American Indian Dance instruction activity for the Indian children.
The Soaring Eagles Dance Class advance publicity has generated wider interest
and has drawn in other parents and their children that previously were
not attending the Indian Education programs. All the hallmarks of success,
participation and enjoyment are evident throughout the evening.
Soaring Eagles Dance Class is at the same location and in addition to the American Indian Dance and regalia instruction there is a tutoring and summer reading program. Books are provided by the program to be checked out and reviews or stories to be submitted during the summer. Maybe we will see
you and your younger relatives at these Soaring Eagles Dance Class free
classes: Adams Avenue Business Association Community Center, 4649 Hawley
Blvd. San Diego CA. They are coordinated by San Diego City School Indian
Education Program (858) 627-7362 & Indian Human Resource Center (619)
281-5964. |